“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” William Wordsworth
All good writing hangs on a story. Whether the message is printed, spoken, texted or broadcast. Whether it appears in a news article, a children’s book, or an annual report. We are surrounded by stories from birth. In fact, just try to get through a day without a story. If you succeed, I don’t want to hear about it. But I do want to hear about the stories that inspire you, make you laugh, cry, or just give you goose bumps.
I was inspired to start Story Corner by my own elderly father, whose tales have been entertaining me for decades. Something remarkable happened after he turned 90 – he started writing them down. This blog is dedicated to those who tell stories, and those who record them. So please stay tuned. And if you have a story you’d like to share, please contact me at wwfinephrases@gmail.com.
Uncle George has written down stories from his life?! I'd LOVE to see them! <3